Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Friends & Family- Sorry its been so long on an up-date. We been really busy with all different things. Lets see, for Halloween the girls went as Lady Bugs. Lets just say it took us 30 mins to get them dressed and they only had them on 30 mins. And that was only for the ward party, we didnt even dress up for halloween. The girls loved Thanksgiving. They got to come over & play with cousin Zoe. They love Zoe & Uncle Preston alot. The day after Thanksgiving we all went bowling. The girls got to bowl twice and they even got some pins down. They were happy. They are almost 100% potty trainned. And now all Christmas stuff is gotten and wrapped with names on it under nana & papa's christmas tree. This year we are going up to safford for christmas. The girls cant wait to play with skyler, ava, & gavin... I'll put picture's up from Christmas.

David is doing good for there. Just trying to work and come home for his R & R time.