Friends & Family- Sorry its been so long on an up-date. We been really busy with all different things. Lets see, for Halloween the girls went as Lady Bugs. Lets just say it took us 30 mins to get them dressed and they only had them on 30 mins. And that was only for the ward party, we didnt even dress up for halloween. The girls loved Thanksgiving. They got to come over & play with cousin Zoe. They love Zoe & Uncle Preston alot. The day after Thanksgiving we all went bowling. The girls got to bowl twice and they even got some pins down. They were happy. They are almost 100% potty trainned. And now all Christmas stuff is gotten and wrapped with names on it under nana & papa's christmas tree. This year we are going up to safford for christmas. The girls cant wait to play with skyler, ava, & gavin... I'll put picture's up from Christmas.
David is doing good for there. Just trying to work and come home for his R & R time.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
This is the best way to tell everyone without having to talk to anyone. Today I found out that I have ovarian cancer. We are going to do surgery and take everything out. I know everyone loves me but right now I am not asking for anything. I am doing good trying to deal with it right now. So if you'd like to help prayers would be great, not only for me but also for David & the girls. Thanks
Friday, July 23, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Daddy's Address
David Lamoreaux
96th MP BN/ TF Spartan
Bagram AFB
APO AE 09354
It takes about a week from the states to get to him. He is asking for sunflower seeds & letters from everyone. If its better for to you just email here is his email address & he should email you back soon.
96th MP BN/ TF Spartan
Bagram AFB
APO AE 09354
It takes about a week from the states to get to him. He is asking for sunflower seeds & letters from everyone. If its better for to you just email here is his email address & he should email you back soon.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Miss Lily is here
On June 5th Lily Marie Davis came to the world. She was born at 10:33am... Lily & Sheridan are both doing great!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
PHX Suns

So Rosealie & Chloe love watching the Suns Games with me. Whenever I get mad so do they. They will yell at the TV too. Its really CUTE! So right now we are facing the LA Lakers. Its 3-2 lakers are up. We have to win tonights game or we are out of the playoffs. This should be a wonderful tonight. The suns are home so it should be good. Cant wait for tonights game...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Our Daddy
Just an update on our daddy. He has made it to Ft. Bliss TX. He doesnt really like it ther but has to deal. We got to talk to him on webcam tonight. It was so much fun talking to him and seeing him since the 15th. He was making us smile alot. Chloe read him a book. She was showing him the puppy and kitty's. It was so cute! Rosealie was telling him how she helped mommy and papa today. It was funny cause she was talking so fast that i had to tell him everything she was saying. He will be at Ft. Bliss till sometime next month. Its almost daddy's birthday
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Miss Carried
I know everyone will notice on the girls blog and my mom's blog that stuff about the baby is gone. So I am letting everyone know, I miss carried today(Sunday). Just if everyone can keep us in your prayers that will help us out alot. Thanks
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Up-date on Us
We are doing good. This last week we both had really bad pink eye in both eyes. But it went away. We are just really busy helping mommy pack and cleaning the house(as much as we can). This weekend is Uncle Matthew's wedding. We cant wait to have Aunt Kim be part of the family. We love our little baby brother or sister. We give it kisses and loves all the time. We love being next to mommy all the time. Other then that we are good, just being 2 wonderful little girls.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Mommy's Picture Takng Blog
Our Mommy has started a picture blog. She is going to go to school to do Digital Photography. She has started a little business already. Its called Lamro Photographs. Here is the blog address go take a look.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Final Names for the Baby
We finally came up with the names that we are using. If its a boy the 2 names we have picked are Kevin Michael Beckett Lamoreaux & Gabriel William Lamoreaux. The 2 girls names we have picked are Tayla MaKenna Lamoreaux & Gabriella Faith Lamoreaux.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Boy & Girl Names
Boy Names:
Kevin Beckett
Landon James
Gabreil William
Steven Tyree
Girl Names:
Tayla MaKenna
Emma Rae
Gabrella Faith
Isabella Joy
Let us know what you think. The way the are put on here is the names we are going by in order. So Kevin Beckett and Tayla MaKenna are our first names we want.
Kevin Beckett
Landon James
Gabreil William
Steven Tyree
Girl Names:
Tayla MaKenna
Emma Rae
Gabrella Faith
Isabella Joy
Let us know what you think. The way the are put on here is the names we are going by in order. So Kevin Beckett and Tayla MaKenna are our first names we want.
Baby Boy or Baby Girl????
We want to be the 1st to say that our mommy is pregnant with a baby brother or a baby sister. We arent sure yet of what it is! He or She is due Nov. 15th 2010. We will update you all on how mommy is doing and our little brother/sister.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Our New House

We got a house out in Avondale. We will sign everything by May 17th. Its a 3 bedroom 2 bath. Its 1114 sg ft. Has a big backyard with 2 trees already there. It has tile everywhere but the bedrooms. Which is what we wanted. Everything inside of the house is new. Its perfect for us. Its a good starter house. We love it! The girls didnt want to leave it. They were already calling it home before we even said we wanted it. Here are 2 picture's so far of the house. More pictures to come later. Hope you like.... Its off of 107th Ave and Buckeye Rd.
Surgery Update
Rosealie's surgery went great. She is talking alot more and you can understand some more words. Instead of mama its mommy, instead of dada its daddy. She also says Chloe now. She yells because she's being able to hear her own voice now. We go back next week to get checked up. Ill let you know what they say. Thanks for all the prayers for her
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Rosealie gets her surgery done @ 8am but we have to be there @ 630am. She is getting tubes put in her ears. We are hoping that helps with alot of her problems. Ill update the blog and facebook after the surgery and we get to my parents house...
Update on everyone else. David made it to Ft. Dixs. I am going to go look at houses Thursday and then Friday go see the OBGYN cause the pain still hasnt gone away. Chloe is doing great just misses daddy already
Update on everyone else. David made it to Ft. Dixs. I am going to go look at houses Thursday and then Friday go see the OBGYN cause the pain still hasnt gone away. Chloe is doing great just misses daddy already
Thursday, April 1, 2010
So today I told the girls that daddy was coming home. So with every prayer we prayed that daddy would get home really fast. Well that's how Chloe put it. They have missed David so much. They just want him home. We all want him home. Every time we pray, we have to ask for daddy to be safe and strong. Its really cute how they understand so much when they are 2.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
So since there isn't that much to update on here about David and I. I've decided to make my blog about the girls. This new blog is walking along with Rosealie and Chloe. Basically how are their day is going and when they do something funny. There will be updates on the rest of us here and there. But the girls are getting older and do lots of wonderful things in life and I want to share them. Look for some more new fun things from the girls.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Deployment Date
We got the deployment date. Its May 18th 2010. He will be gone for a year to a year & half. Thanks for the love and support
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Saying GoodBye
Since Sunday its been hard not only for me and David but also for the girls. Sunday, they said goodbye to David and stayed at home with aunt Madison. Well we were getting ready to go over to Uncle Mike's and David calls & Says come get me we aren't going today. Which I was HAPPY cause I got him longer but it also meant that I was going to have to say goodbye again. So we were suppose to get a phone call Monday in the morning. So we stayed home till about 5 in the afternoon. It was driving me nuts, every time the phone would ring David would jump and run. It was starting to get funny... So around 7pm the phone call came. He was leaving at 1pm Wednesday. Which of course made us both sad but we know it has to happen. Wednesday we said our goodbye's again and came home. Late night Rosealie didn't go to bed till 2am cause she wanted her daddy. We ended up looking at picture's of him and singing songs. Yesterday Chloe came up to me and said, " Mommy, is daddy not coming home because he is mad at me." That's when I lost it. But I had to get control of myself to explain to my 2 year old what was going on. She understood right away and got down and played with Rosealie. Bed time was really CUTE. Chloe prayed for Daddy to be safe and that he would want to come home to us. After we prayed I asked her why Daddy wouldn't want to come home. She said because, "sissy(Rosealie) & her weren't being good girls for mommy like they told daddy they would." I cant believe how much they can understand right now. But everything is good. David is just doing lots of paperwork and learning more. He is calling every night to talk with us before bed time. The girls cant wait. And I cant wait! Its good to hear his voice again. Thank you everyone for all the love and support you have behind us.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Hospital Visit For Rosealie

Rosealie is my good girl that doesn't get hurt but we had to take her to the hospital tonight(well last night since its now Friday)... The last two days she has been running a temp of 100+. I was just thinking its because of her little cold and just gave her some med's. Being the mom that I am I didn't want to have to take her in unless it was a ASAP. So last night we went out to eat with David's family and she really wasn't being her self and not wanting to eat anything. We felt her and she was really HOT. So we asked his grandma that was a nurse. She said to take her in because it could be RSV again. So we went @ 8pm and just got home. I am so grateful for my mother for coming out and sitting with us so that David & Chloe could go home. Come to find out Rosealie has 2 really bad ear infections in both ears. And whats worse we were just at the ear doctor yesterday and said she was fine & that she didn't have any problems right now for infections. Yeah, I am a little mad. But we get to call the doctor tomorrow and get an appointment to get tub's put in her ears in the next few days. For now she is on some really good med's and they should start working in the next 2 days.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Update on Us
Here is alittle update... David is getting deployed. Wish the Military would make up their minds. We are still getting a house so when he comes back we have it. David had to stop school for now but will be taking online classes when he is gone. The girls are doing good. Just little busy 2 year old. Driving mommy up the wall... My surgery went great!!! I was back to myself on the next Sunday. I went to church and everything... There is our little update...
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Everything is fine
For all the people that watch the news. We are good... Yesterday around 5 pm our condo building was on fire. It was on the other end of our same building. Everything is fine. No one got hurt. There wasn't anyone in the condo that was on fire. Our whole building had to get out to be safe and the firefighters had to come in and make sure all was great. The only condo that was hurt was the one on fire. But all is good here...
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Family Picture's 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Day @ the Park
David has today & tomorrow off so we decided to take the girls to the park just for fun... It was a really great day!!! Got some GREAT picture's of us playing. About 45 Min's before we left Rosealie found birds everywhere. So we ran after all the birds and made them fly. Chloe was scared and stayed in David's arms most of the time but it was still wonderful and she smiled. Here are some picture's from today... Hope you like our crazy day!!!
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