Its been one of those days again. And its only Tuesday. It all started Sunday when they girls decided that they didn't want to nap. So they went to bed at 6:30 and I went to bed at 8:30. Then Monday happened. It was another long day. But they didn't go to bed till after grandpa came home... So far today, I've gotten a lot done. I cleaned the kitchen, bathroom, and front room. With time to fold my clothes and out them away. Which grandma almost killed me the other day for see my room the way it was. She told me that I knew better then that. Which I know I do. But I am not trying to complain about my last couple of days. I just know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ knew that I could handle having twins. I just have to think that he is giving me my strenght and he helps me all day long. I am so grateful that I know that this is the True Church and if you have faith in them. They will never let you fall. If you are having a little bit of a bad day. Just kneel down and just say a little prayer. And everything will get better. Maybe not right away but still have faith in them, they are there watching you and helping you all day and night long.
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