We are back from seeing David. Everything went GREAT! The flight went good. The girls were really great and slept on the flight out. Family Day went good. It was nice and cold. It was about 66 degrees. On Graduation day was even better. It was colder it was 64 degrees. The opening was wonderful and so cool. The only had 4 people pass out. They locked their kneels which isnt good. But I got some great picture's. The one of David and his friends was so funny... Their names are Leighton, David, Millin and King. Millin is from Kingman Arizona and the others I dont remember were David said they where from. But Basic is over and now he is off to Ft. Lee Virgina for AIT... Hopefully soon he will be home...
Friday, October 31, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
After Math...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I hate Hospital's....

Last night I ended up in the hospital with really bad lower pain and heavy bleeding. At first all they could think is I was pregnant and it was a tubule pregnancy. And if that was so we would be running up for surgery. I even had an Ivie put in. Well all the blood work came back saying no. So we decided to take the Ivie out. Well about an hour later the nurse came back in and they couldn't really find out what was wrong. So they sent me home and said that follow up with my OBGYN sometime in the next two days. So we'll see what happenes when I go see him...
Monday, October 20, 2008
We only have????

We only have 8 more days till we go out and see David. Everyone thinks I am weired because I am taking twins on a 3 and half hour plane ride. Well I am not doing it alone. My In-Laws are going with me. My mom was going to come but she is having surgery done on the 30th. I think David would kill me if I didn't bring the girls. He misses them so bad. He feels bad cause he is missing their first words, walking, crawling and eating. Which we understand cause he is taking care of our family. But the girls miss him badly. They will look at he's picture's and say Dada... So they know who he is... But I just cant wait to be in he's arms again. And have him hold all 3 of us together....
Rosealie & Chloe just love eating now. Today so far we have had crackers and cookies... Later we will be eating more. When they eat before bed time they only get up once each for a bottle in the middle of the night... Rosealie is starting to crawl a little bit. She knows how to get places faster by trying to walk... Today Rosealie got next to the couch and let go and walked 3 steps. YEAH!!! Chloe crawls really fast even in a dress. So we are looking at getting walkers sometime soon. Hopefully soon they will both be up to the same point and on the same sleeping time so that I can get a nap in too... LOL!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
New Member of the Family... His Name Is???
On Monday we went to Savers cause its 99 cent day. Well Rosealie and I were walking around the baby toys. I wasn't really watching Rosealie I was more looking at the little kids running by cause I didn't want to hit them. Well I looked over and there was tigger not Rosealie. I was to close to the toys and she had pulled tigger into the seat with her. I don't know how cause its way bigger then her and chloe together. So we ended up getting tigger cause I tried taking it away and she would just cry so bad and turn purple. So we have a new member to our family. His name is Tigger and the girls just love playing on him.... I wish i had my camera with me...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
He Is 1 Of My Hero's
I was thinking of some of my hero's today. There's David, My Dad, My Mom,My Grandpa, All 3 of my brothers and Madison. But 1 of the one's I want to write about is my cousin Lorin. He was a football player for Queen Creek High School. He was told about 2 months that he had cancer. He is the most strongest 18 year old person I know. All he keeps saying is that he will beat this and go on his mission. With all the pain, chemo, and now radiation, he is still keeping his head up and being really strong. It's nice to have someone to look up to that has so much on his plate right now. He is one of my biggest hero's. Thank you Lorin for being a great example to me and my family. We love you so much! You are in our prayers and minds!
Only 15 Days
We only have 15 more days till we see David. I cant wait!!! Can you tell that I am counting down... Well we leave on Oct 28th in the afternoon. But we really don't see him till Oct 29th. I got a call from him today. It was a great surprise. I wasn't going to hear from him till next Monday cause they are going out to the field. But it was really nice to hear his voice again so close together. I just really cant wait to see his face and hold his hand and kiss him. I missed that most. Just to be next to him again is going to be so GREAT!!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Here are some picture's of the girls... They have some clothes that are the same. But I dont put them in the same thing all the time. They are two different babies so they dont need to look the same. But Sunday they wear the samething. And they looked CUTE!!! Chloe is the left & Rosealie the right...
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Picture's From this weekend!
It's now 11:56 Sunday night and we are now home. Well we got home at like 10:30. We had a great time with David's side of the family. We got some good picture's with everyone. At the end Rosealie just loved Uncle Mike but still wasn't sure about Uncle Matthew. We played with McKayla, Tiffani, & Shayna. We also played with Uncle Mike and Aunt Sara... We loved seeing baby Rylee. We also saw Great Grandma Pidge & her sister. In the pictures from Left to Right and then down. There's Garth & Caroline, Me and Rylee, Grandma Pidge and Rosealie, Chloe, Tiffani and McKayla. Uncle Mike and Rosealie. And Aunt Sara and Chloe...
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Out at Grandma & Grandpa Lamoreaux House...
(This is suppose to be the girls talking not me... So it goes from Rosealie to Chloe every once in awhile... Sorry my bad for not saying who's talking!!!) We are out here at Daddy's parents house this weekend. It's gone really great. Our first night out here we had fun. We went and saw baby Rylee, Aunt Jenny and Uncle Mike. Rosealie was trying to get Rylee. She thinks that Rylee is her baby. Which we call Chloe her(Rosealie's) baby. Then today(Saturday) we got to go to a baby shower for one of Daddy's and Aunt Jenny's friends. We got some picture's taken with them. It was fun. Then we went to walmart and spent some of dad's hard making money!!! After walmart we went to McD's for some lunch. Mommy and Grandma were hungry and we had to pick up something for Grandpa and uncle Matthew. They were cleaning a house today. We came home and started to take a nap. Then we got up and played with our cousins Tiffani, Shayna and McKayla. We had sooo much fun. Grandma, Aunt Sara, Mckayla, Rosealie and Mommy went to Joann's to buy some stuff. Well it was only going to be grandma but mommy found some cute things and just had to get some. I(Chloe) stay here with grandpa, Tiffani and Shayna cause I was sleeping. While mommy was gone Grandpa feed me some apples and bread. It was yummy... After that it was about 7 a clock and was time to go to bed. Well my cousin McKayla came and got my bottle out of my mouth and started drinking it. So I was up! It's not 11:19 pm and we are finally a sleep. Now tomorrow will be different. The only thing we have to worry about is not running into the doors like we did 2 weeks ago last time when we were out here. We only have church and come back to Grandma's house and play with our cousin and hopefully see baby Rylee before we go home with Grandma and Grandpa Crawford. We will have picture's on from this weekend when we get home on Sunday... So keep an eye out to see us with our family... We are hoping to hear from Daddy tomorrow before church cause if not Mommy will be running out to answer the phone at church!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Our Aunt Madison
We dont know what we would do without Aunt Madison being around. All we do with her is smile and laught. All the time. If Aunt Madison is around we just look at her and just wait for her to do something funny. Just like a little while ago. All she was doing was saying BOO and call our names! And our mommy got really cute picture's of us smiling... Thank you Aunt Madison..
My New Toy
Rylee Claire
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Rosealie Ann
Rosealie now pulls herself over to the couch or chair and pulls herself up. Well today she decided to let go and just stand there. So I had to take
picture's and share what else she was doing... She was helping mommy with sister and her's blankets. After I just got done folding all the clothes!!!! Isnt that how it is always... Also standing there not holding on to the couch...
Baby Girl!
Last night my sister-in-law had her little girl. Her name is Rylee Hansen. She was 7 pounds 2 ozs and 19 1/2 inches long. Congrats Jenny and Mike.... Jenny & Rylee will be coming home tomorrow...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Update on the family
Here is an update. The girls are now 8 months old. Rosealie has learned how to stand by herself. Well with a chair or someones leg. She loves holding her bottle(when she wants too). She is now in the big girl car seats. Chloe has learned to crawl. YEAH! I am happy and wanted this but I didn't think she would be so fast. She knows that there's alot more of the house then the front room. Like Grandma and Grandpa have a room. There's a kitchen and a hallway oh and a bathroom. But I am happy that she has learned to crawl. She also holds her bottle and learned that milk comes out when its up side down. She is also in a big girl car seat. I am doing good. I just got my IUD put in yesterday so I am still in alot of pain. I am doing good besides that nothing new for me. Besides we only have 22 days till we fly up to see David. Its going to be the girls, my in-laws and me going cause my mom has her surgery on the 30th of Oct. I cant wait to see him... All he wants is to go get a large pizza and ice cream. He says that he misses that most of all well besides me and the girls of course. But I'll be taken a camera so that I'll have pictures of everything there.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
My Daddy

My Dad,
Is my Example...
There are many expamples to follow in life,
Many men who are deserving of praise.
Wheather Doctores, or Lawyers, or
a Soldier of war, They've given in so many ways.
But of all the men, who've accomplished it all,
of all the great leaders we've had,
not one will ever begin to compare with the example I've had in my dad.
He's taught me his values,
He's raise me with love,
He's always shown me his respect; and thiugh his name may never appear in bright lights,
He's one man you'd never forget.
My dad is my leader, my pattern for life,
and on him I can surely depend.
For I know he will be there with arms open wide to be my example --- my friend.
Our Daddy
Our Daddy means alot to us. We cant wait to go see him at the end of this month. My Daddy is an Amercian Soldier...
I am an American Soldier.
I am a Warroir and a merber of a team.
I serce the people of the United States and live the Amry Values.
I will always place the mission first.
I will never accpt defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave a fallen comrade.
I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills.
I always mantain my arms, my equipment and myself.
I am an expert and I am a professional.
I stand ready to deploy, enage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat.
I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life.
I am an American Soldier....
Thats our daddy. He is an American Soldier, Our father and Our Hero...
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Big Girl Now.
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