Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Update on the family

Here is an update. The girls are now 8 months old. Rosealie has learned how to stand by herself. Well with a chair or someones leg. She loves holding her bottle(when she wants too). She is now in the big girl car seats. Chloe has learned to crawl. YEAH! I am happy and wanted this but I didn't think she would be so fast. She knows that there's alot more of the house then the front room. Like Grandma and Grandpa have a room. There's a kitchen and a hallway oh and a bathroom. But I am happy that she has learned to crawl. She also holds her bottle and learned that milk comes out when its up side down. She is also in a big girl car seat. I am doing good. I just got my IUD put in yesterday so I am still in alot of pain. I am doing good besides that nothing new for me. Besides we only have 22 days till we fly up to see David. Its going to be the girls, my in-laws and me going cause my mom has her surgery on the 30th of Oct. I cant wait to see him... All he wants is to go get a large pizza and ice cream. He says that he misses that most of all well besides me and the girls of course. But I'll be taken a camera so that I'll have pictures of everything there.

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