We'll start with David... School is going GREAT... Right now everything is about Math. But you have to know math really good because that's 1 of the main parts of the job. You don't want to get the math wrong cause then someone could get hurt. This last weekend he had is military weekend. The deployment thing went from a maybe to a most likely. Oh please say they end up saying NO. But if they say yes then we'll go from there. But if he doesn't get deployed we've talked about maybe him going back to AIT in Aug and getting a different MOS... We'll have to see what happens 1st...

Now the girls. They are getting so big. For all of you that didn't know we had to take Chloe to the hospital. She fell off the Kitchen table. She is fine. The CAT-Scan came back fine. We just have to watch her. Rosealie's getting worse with her anger problems. I don't know if its because she is getting older or what. But we are working with her on that. They both have new words. They say bird thanks to papa... He was telling them what was up in the tree's at the zoo. Which is 100% fine but now everything in the tree's are birds... Its cute!!! The other day Rosealie was talking to my mom on web cam and wanted to talk with her papa. He was watching soccer and I decided to yell GOAL... So now Rosealie will walk around the house hold up her arms and yell GOAL... Its funny cause Chloe looks at her like she is loosing her mind... Also, last month I was watching a baby story on the TV not even thinking about the girls and that they were watching it too... After the lady had the baby Chloe got into the laundry hamper put her legs up and start to scream... I started to laugh and she looked at me like I was going nuts. Like Mom it hurts... So I've learned not to watch that when the girls are up...

Lastly, Me... Well lets see... Nothing really new. I am just trying to stop getting sick all the time. I've given up soda for the most part. Maybe once or twice a month I get one. I've started reading lots of books lately. Right now I am reading, The Diaries of Anne Frank. I've learned alot again since Safford Middle School. I also don't think I could do what this 14 year old girl had to do. It would really drive me nuts. But who knows if it comes down to the 2ND coming and we are told to pack up and leave I'll be ready. I am trying really hard to put myself more into church and my calling besides the girls and David. Cause if David does get deployed that's what I am going to be doing anyways. I am starting to get ready for that. If he get s deployed. I think it will be alot better for me to think he is going and if it comes down to him not then it will be better... I am still studying for my GED. I want to make sure I pass. I hate not passing things cause it makes me feel like I am not good at anything. But who knows how it will go until I go take it.
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