Thursday, December 24, 2009
Another Hospital Visit For Chloe
Tuesday morning Chloe got up from bed and her face was swelling again. So we took her in because it was worse then last time. Her face was red and purple on that one side. The doctor came in and decided that we need to run some blood work because he was scared that something maybe wrong with her white blood count. She did so good when they came in to take the blood. I was so proud of her... come to find out the doctor was right. Her white blood cell count was to high. He said if it would of been just a little higher then he would of kept her over night or until they good get under control. But come to find out she has Dacryocystitis (Lacrimal Sac Infection) so she is on some really good drugs. He put her on Augmentin... With by the way she acts when we try and give her some of it, it isn't a good flavor. Its starting to look a little bite better. There isn't any red & purple anymore but the swelling isn't going down. So hopefully by tomorrow it will be going down cause if not we are suppose to take her back. Which I would like to not spend Christmas at the Hospital but I will if need be.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Rosealie & Chloe
Since it is around Christmas time and the girls are older I've been teaching them about Santa & what Christmas means. They understand about Christ but with Santa its a little funny. David has a Uncle that looks like Santa in every way. Even the red cheeks. Chloe thinks that he is Santa. So we are trying to explain it to her that Santa doesn't come till Christmas Eve... Uncle Kevin gives them Dr. Pepper.... They just learned Jesus's parents names. So everything now that has picture's of parents are Joseph & Mary... They even named a toy dog Mary. Its pink!!! They love looking at pictures of Jesus and baby Jesus... This Christmas is going to be even more better then last Christmas. Not only because they now understand what is going on but because Jamie, Mary, Ethan, Teppo & Audriq will be here for Christmas. They got to meet Jamie in June but haven't been able to meet Mary & the boys. I am so happy for this time of the year for family and what Christmas truly means. Its not for the gifts, its for Jesus's Birth & for being with your families...
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Hospital Visit
2 days ago we had to take Chloe to the hospital because her face was swelling alot but only on 1 side. She didn't look like my baby anymore... But after 3 hours found out whats wrong and were sent home with some med's to take 3 times a day. As of last night she doesn't look any different but we'll see how it goes. They said to bring her back today if nothing has changed but we'll give it a couple of more days to see.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Christmas Shopping
This year for Christmas we weren't going to have a big Christmas only gifts for the girls... Then our bishop called us, and said that he got the feeling and put your names down to go to D.I. and be a part of the Bishop's Box. For you that don't know its where the bishop writes down things you need and put a amount of money to send when you are there on a peace of paper... Well when it came to the date to go my mom came out and my in-laws watched the girls so that we could go without them. After getting everything in the charts we went up to leave and was 60 dollars short on how much the bishop gave us so she sent me to go get more of anything... Well come down to it she sent me back twice. In the end, I got clothes for the girls in bigger sizes so that we had clothes for them later on. They will be put away here soon...
I am just so grateful for the church. For our bishop getting the feeling that he did. For understand and also wanting our girls to have a wonderful Christmas... If it wasn't for him our girls wouldn't have the wonderful Christmas that they are getting now. I know that it was Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ talking to my bishop. With our prayers to them for help, they went to the bishop to help. I am grateful for the church in my life and the understanding that they are there to help & listen to us whenever we need them too. To support us when times are bad. I am grateful to my family that also helps support us in our choosing. For always being there when I just need to call and cry or call when my car needs help!!!! I am so grateful that my parents or grandma Jennie, no matter what are always a phone call away & don't mind my calling cause I am having a bad day. That they know how to comfort me and make me see that no matter what everything will work out, I need to pray and let my prayers be answered & all will work out in the end.
I am just so grateful for the church. For our bishop getting the feeling that he did. For understand and also wanting our girls to have a wonderful Christmas... If it wasn't for him our girls wouldn't have the wonderful Christmas that they are getting now. I know that it was Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ talking to my bishop. With our prayers to them for help, they went to the bishop to help. I am grateful for the church in my life and the understanding that they are there to help & listen to us whenever we need them too. To support us when times are bad. I am grateful to my family that also helps support us in our choosing. For always being there when I just need to call and cry or call when my car needs help!!!! I am so grateful that my parents or grandma Jennie, no matter what are always a phone call away & don't mind my calling cause I am having a bad day. That they know how to comfort me and make me see that no matter what everything will work out, I need to pray and let my prayers be answered & all will work out in the end.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Christmas Rain-Deer's
They are for my family.
Chloe, Me, David & Rosealie

(Mine is a Red-Neck 1... The eyes are different ways.)
I made this at my mother-in-law's house on Friday. It was a Christmas craft day... They are so cute so I've decided to share them with you...
So everything has happened so fast... So to start, Thanksgiving was wonderful as always... Thank you Dad & Mom for making Thanksgiving every year so great and wonderful... Thank you Uncle Mike for making us smile and laugh so much... And Thank you to all the Aunt & Uncles & my Father for doing so much crazy things growing up to make us have wonderful stories later on... Now its time for Christmas... I almost have everything done. All that's left is going on Tuesday... Then printing of picture's for Christmas gifts for both parents... Tomorrow the Christmas tree will be going up... I cant wait... The girls just don't understand just yet but when all the Christmas gifts come out they will hopefully understand...
Starting Nov to Mar everything is going to be crazy... Nov-Thanksgiving(over) Now I can take that off the list. Dec-Military Family Day without the girls (YEAH) & Christmas , Jan- Wedding Ann. (3 years), Feb-Girls Birthday(2 years old) & Val-day, Mar- Temple Ann. (2 years) And lastly somewhere in there hopefully we find out if David is getting deployed... I just want to know so that I don't go crazy..
Starting Nov to Mar everything is going to be crazy... Nov-Thanksgiving(over) Now I can take that off the list. Dec-Military Family Day without the girls (YEAH) & Christmas , Jan- Wedding Ann. (3 years), Feb-Girls Birthday(2 years old) & Val-day, Mar- Temple Ann. (2 years) And lastly somewhere in there hopefully we find out if David is getting deployed... I just want to know so that I don't go crazy..
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
In Loving Memory Of Lorin Neal Merkley
Lorin Neal Merkley
June 25, 1990-Nov. 18, 2008

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Diary Page: Thursday July 6,1944
I was reading and came across this in one of Anne Frank's diary pages. It got my thinking alot and made me think of how life is... Does everyone know what they want or how they want to live their life. Here it is and let me know what you think....
"We all live, but we don't know the why or wherefore. We all live with the object of being happy; our lives are all different & yet the same. We three have been brought up in good circles, we have the chance to learn, the possibility of attending something, we have all reason to hope for much happiness, but.... we must earn it for ourselves. And that is never easy. You must work & do good, not be lazy & gamble, if you wish to earn happiness. Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction."
It meant alot to me that a 15 year old girl could think about this at her age. I sometimes wonder if it can make people of this time really understand life and what they got and she didn't...
"We all live, but we don't know the why or wherefore. We all live with the object of being happy; our lives are all different & yet the same. We three have been brought up in good circles, we have the chance to learn, the possibility of attending something, we have all reason to hope for much happiness, but.... we must earn it for ourselves. And that is never easy. You must work & do good, not be lazy & gamble, if you wish to earn happiness. Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction."
It meant alot to me that a 15 year old girl could think about this at her age. I sometimes wonder if it can make people of this time really understand life and what they got and she didn't...
Monday, November 16, 2009
Up-Date in the Lamoreaux House
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Day With Papa @ the Zoo...
They just love spending time with Papa
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wacky Wednesday
So I've decided to start Wacky Wednesday again... Since the girls are getting older and getting into everything, things have been turning really funny and wacky in my house... Since Monday they have decided that it would be fun to case each other around the whole house and push each other into the wall or anything near them... They aren't hurting each other really but all they can do after is laugh way to much... It so cute when they play like this cause you can tell they are going to be BEST FRIENDS in school and not let anyone come between them. Well I can hope for that when they get older but I am sure a boy or something will make them mad at each other and Ill put up with that later in life... I was just looking at pictures and came across this one and its wacky and funny... 
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Maybe Bad News
Yesterday David came back from his Military Weekend... Well he had some news. His company is on the top of the list to be deployed in May of 2010. Some may go or they all will go. We don't know when we will find out but it will be sometime here in the next couple of months. They will be gone for a year if they go. I am really hoping and praying that it doesn't happen not only cause he'll be leaving but because he would only have a month till he would be done with school... So if it does happen then i want it to be in July so that he would get school done first...
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
David had to do a CPR class at school on Monday. At the end of class there was a test of course. He got a 90%... I am so proud at how he is doing in school. Right now in school they are doing Math which is David's strongest subjects... He is so smart with numbers and teaching people how to do Math. He has 1 week and 2 days of Math left and then it will be the final for Math... He plans on getting a 100% on the final. Then its off to doing the Pharmacy Tech...
Thursday, October 15, 2009
That's 1 sleepy little girl
The other day Chloe was fighting me cause she didn't want to take a nap at all... After David's mom picked him up to take him to school, she decided it was time for a nap. So at 5:00pm she was taken a nap... Nice right..... But she didn't take a nap in her bed she didn't want that. She wanted the front room floor. We got back from saying goodbye to David and Chloe got Davids sandals and lade on the floor with her bottle... After about 5 mins this is what I found...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
School Project....
Last night David had to talk to the class about the project he was doing for class... He had to have a 10 min power-point and tell the class all this different stuff on his power-point. Well he got his grade that night... He got a 96%... Yeah, I am so proud of him... He is in the TOP 10% of the class...
Monday, October 12, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Movie Monday
Today's Movie or Movies cause if there are more then 3 it takes 2 days to watch them in. Today's movies we decided to watch will take maybe 3 days... We've decided its time to watch all the Harry Potter movies... Since I am reading the books I wanted to watch each movie after I get done reading the books just to see which I like more the books or the movies and so far the movies are winning... So Harry Potter's will be this weeks movies... Lets see what will be next week.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Congrat's Go Out Too....
Monday, September 28, 2009
Pirates Day!!!!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Proud of My Hubby
I am so proud of David. He has put so much into going back to school and doing what he wants. He is the world's most wonderful and caring husband. Not only to me and the girls. But he is a wonderful and caring friend. Why I am so proud of my husband is because he puts everyone else first and helps as much as he can. When it comes to school, I am proud because he is trying really hard. He has had homework due well just 1 so far and he got 100%. His first final on computers he got 90%. Then everyday of school for the next two weeks they are going to be going over chapter's and then they have a test right after. Well the 1st one was on Thursday. He got another 100%. He was proud of himself, which makes me more happy....
Thursday, September 24, 2009
100% Blonde
When David got home today we were sitting doing homework and studying. I was asking about what they were going to do in computers today. He finally tells me that the test yesterday was for the final in computers. Nice right, so they are done with computers now they are doing stuff with the human body. So now we are all on the same page and I am not feeling like a Blonde.
1st Test & Project
Yesterday David had the first test of the school year... There was 30 questions. David got 27 of them right... YEAH!!!! 27/30 that's wonderful. The test went over alot of different things that the class has learned over the last week. Right now they are doing stuff with computers. Which I don't get because they aren't in a computer class. Anyways last night he got home and had all his books with him. Of course I was all "yeah more homework" well I was right but there was more then it was "just homework" its a team project on something in the human body... Its due in 2 weeks and you have to have a 10 min PowerPoint and show it in front of the whole class and tell them about the body part you were working and why. David and Part are doing their PowerPoint on the Nervous System.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
1st Homework Due

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
David's Military Award
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
School So Far....
Since David has started school, they have gone over rules of course and when they will be getting their books and uniforms. On Tuesday the started to watch the movie Patch Adams. They had to take notes and then they finished it yesterday. When David got home last night he was working on his homework. He has 9 questions that he has to answer from the movie.
When he was doing his homework I kept looking over to see how he was doing. It was funny!!! David's teacher wants everything to be done right. He has to remember grammar and how to write all over again from high school... Since right now I am doing Essay and Grammar work with my GED studying I decided to read David's work when he was doing it. I helped alot.
There were works missing and sentence not done right. I am not trying to make fun of him but I was really truly happy that I could help. I had a feeling to start grammar section on Monday and didn't know why. Now I know why. So today he turns in his homework. We'll see how it goes, I am hoping all goes GREAT! And he gets a 100%.
When he was doing his homework I kept looking over to see how he was doing. It was funny!!! David's teacher wants everything to be done right. He has to remember grammar and how to write all over again from high school... Since right now I am doing Essay and Grammar work with my GED studying I decided to read David's work when he was doing it. I helped alot.
There were works missing and sentence not done right. I am not trying to make fun of him but I was really truly happy that I could help. I had a feeling to start grammar section on Monday and didn't know why. Now I know why. So today he turns in his homework. We'll see how it goes, I am hoping all goes GREAT! And he gets a 100%.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sept. 14th
Sept. 14th David start's school. He cant wait. Last night we were laying in bed and he sat up really fast. I asked him what was wrong. He says, " I only have 5 days till school start's." It was really funny!!! I cant wait for him to start. Watching him everyday look at school stuff and getting really happy makes me feel so GREAT inside. Ill let you all know how the first day of school goes for him.... Wish him so Luck!
Change of Plans... Well thinking about it....
Yesterday we were at the Library and Chloe decided to take some books out of the law section of books. Well I got to reading a little of it. And LOVED it... So now instead of looking at being a nurse I am thinking about becoming a Lawyer. I know it will take along time and take alot of thinking and remembering. But I am really truly thinking about doing it. David and I talked about it last night and a little more today. I also looked last night at a MCC book and they have classes for your basic in justice and law. Its a 18 credit course and then you get the basic and have to go to ASU for the rest. Which is fine, it will take alot of time and money but grants are wonderful to get me in for at least a couple of the classes.
Like I said I am just looking. And if I decide to go for it. All start studying and learn alot before I start school cause I'll have to wait till David is done with his schooling first. And hopefully they have some night classes. But if not I guess I'll get a babysitter for awhile and only take one or two classes at first. But first I have to get my basics out of the way. So we are looking at least a couple of years but it will be worth it in the end cause I'll love my job. David & I talked and if its something I want to do we'll have to put off more kids for awhile which will put the girls are the age of 4 to 5. So I'll let you all know what I decide to do... For right now I am going to pray about it some more, get some opinions from some family members, finish studying for my GED, go get my GED and start studying for which ever I decide to do...
Like I said I am just looking. And if I decide to go for it. All start studying and learn alot before I start school cause I'll have to wait till David is done with his schooling first. And hopefully they have some night classes. But if not I guess I'll get a babysitter for awhile and only take one or two classes at first. But first I have to get my basics out of the way. So we are looking at least a couple of years but it will be worth it in the end cause I'll love my job. David & I talked and if its something I want to do we'll have to put off more kids for awhile which will put the girls are the age of 4 to 5. So I'll let you all know what I decide to do... For right now I am going to pray about it some more, get some opinions from some family members, finish studying for my GED, go get my GED and start studying for which ever I decide to do...
Thursday, September 3, 2009
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